Faith is a complex beast!
It can make you do anything, and it could be anything — faith in a human, religion, ideology, nation, or even in science. A strong faith in something could make or break people. Is faith an inherent part of human design? How do we define faith? What does faith do? Why do we need it? How does faith affect our life? Is there good or bad faith?
Derived from the Latin word fides and the old French word feid meaning trust and confidence, briefly put, faith is an abstract concept with real-life consequences.
On a recent visit to my ancestral village of Saithal in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, I witnessed thousands of people commemorating the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammad’s grandson Hussain in the battle of Karbala.
The tragedy of epic proportions that took place in Karbala, Iraq, arguably on October 10, 680 AD is beyond the subject of this write-up. However, the faith-driven individuals from different religions participating in the rituals on August 9, 2022, were baffling, surprising, and intriguing to me at the same time.
It was 40C (104F) with more than 80% humidity — unbearable weather for most people compounded by the presence of thousands of men, women, boys, and girls — Muslims (Sunni and Shia) and some non-Muslims too. What brought them together to brave the heat and humidity? Most probably, faith in some higher power who would take away all their problems and make their lives easier and more successful.
A few days earlier on my road trip to Saithal along the national highway (NH9), I witnessed another demonstration of faith. Thousands of devotees of Lord Shiva, known as Kanvarias, were on the road on the occasion of the annual pilgrimage to fetch water from the river Ganga as an offering to their respective villages and towns. Again, this was happening in extreme heat.
Faith in the divine and a superior being make people do the unthinkable, even impossible at times. Some go to the super extreme — killing others or themselves. Also, blame faith.
Simply put, faith gives living beings hope — humans and animals included. Pet behavior indicates their faith in their respective owners.
A hope for something better than the present is Faith!
Faith is Trust, Faith is Power
An Ask from the Unseen
Hope beyond the Scene
Health and Wealth
Power and Fame
Life here Or
Beyond the Shame
Matters of Heart
And wirings in Brain
Where do I get it from
How it keeps flowing
All Lives on the Blue Cry
Faith keeps me Going
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