US President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have met to open doors for a more inclusive and safe Korean Peninsula despite what the liberal media tells you.

By Atique Naqvi, aka Syed Atique Hussain, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un during the Singapore Summit

When it comes to selective cynicism, no one demonstrates it better than the liberal media. It's about the historic summit between the United States and North Korea. The coverage of networks such as CNN and BBC indicate a heavy bias against Donald J. Trump.

People may have reasons to hate the current US President but at least give credit where the credit is due.

The CNN news network, which considers itself as the torchbearer of the so-called anti-Trump movement in the United States, seems to have a blind faith in Trump bashing. The same goes for the BBC, as instead of focusing on the confused and the lame-duck British leadership, the UK broadcaster has found a soft target in President Trump.

When one watches the news presenters and "analysts" on networks such as CNN and BBC discussing the historic meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un, the smirks and smiles with which the questions are asked and answered, it all looks pretty sinister as if they are there to undermine any move by Trump, even if it's good for the United States or to improve global security.

The Singapore summit is the first meeting between the leaders of the US and Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and given the historic animosity between the two countries, the meeting is indeed the ‘summit of the century'.

With decades of bad blood, harsh words and distrust, the Kim-Trump summit is the first significant step, even if it's a small one. At least the meeting will open doors for future possibilities and opportunities. One should also not discount the four key joint declarations signed by the leaders of the US and North Korea. They are:
1. The United States and the DPRK committed to establishing new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
3. Reaffirming April 27, 2018, Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to working toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.

President Trump addressing the media informed that North Korea will destroy one of its major missile testing facilities. He said that this was agreed after the joint declaration was signed.
The meeting between the two leaders will also open avenues for cultural exchanges and is set to provide a better understanding of the North Korean society, which has been closed to the outside world.

Going back to the coverage of the summit by the so-called liberal media, some analysts have gone as far as saying that the Singapore Summit is a foreign policy disaster for the United States.

Even if one believes that North Korea got more out from the Singapore Summit, what's wrong in that. The United States, for all practical reasons, is the leader of the free world and at times leaders have to give more than they are given for the greater common good. Don't forget, it was North Korea that has been existing in a virtual isolation in the increasingly connected world. Also, one must ponder over the fact that there is no apparent threat to Kim Jong-un's leadership in North Korea.

Taking the North Korean leader's intentions at face value, he really wants economic growth, prosperity, and security for his country. Yes, North Korea had a favorable summit, but one must also realize that President Trump was not only representing the United States, his talks with Kim Jong-un were also on behalf of South Korea and Japan. Shinzo Abe of Japan and Moon Jae-in of South Korea must be at peace as the threat of a North Korean nuclear attack is off the table. It's a big achievement!

Despite what the naysayers say, if all goes well on the Robert Mueller's probe front, Trump is most likely to get one more term in the White House.

However, one last thought. If the liberal media outlets continue with their biased coverage of conservatives or center-right political figures, the journalistic narrative will further go down toward the dark alleys of propaganda and a permanent mistrust.


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