
Showing posts from November, 2017


Digital Currency Set To Go Official Central banks around the world are seeing the value in investing in technologies creating back-up digital currencies to facilitate interbank transactions, but not without challenges The future of money is digital. By Atique Naqvi For the financial conscious around the world, Bitcoin comes up in the discussion every now and then. As the digital currency crossed the US$8,000 threshold, the cryptocurrency ride is as exciting as ever. Before talking about the future, let me turn a few pages from my own history. In 2009, I wanted to buy Bitcoin for fun. For about US$30, I was getting 5,000 Bitcoins. One of my friends at work said I was wasting my money, and he very convincingly prevailed. Now, one Bitcoin is worth US$8,000, and I would be rich by US$40 million. Damn it! Though Bitcoin is the most popular digital currency due to its widespread acceptance and usage, there are other options too, such as Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash...